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The tuition rate largely depends on how much you expect. You can key in your expected tuition rate when you register. We will offer your expected tuition rate to the parents when your qualification and experience meet their requirement.

It is advisable to quote the expected rate which is consistent with your experience and qualification. If your expected tuition fee is too high as compared to the others who have the same qualification, it is very difficult for us to find students for you because the parents would less likely to hire you. Conversely, if you want to get students sooner, you may consider to quote a lower rate.

Below are the market rate in Singapore for your reference: (tuition fees per hour in SG$)

Level Lower Pri Upper Pri Lower Sec Upper Sec JC
A-Levels / Diploma20-30/hr25-30/hr25-35/hr30-40/hr35-45/hr
Degree Holder / Full Time Tutor25-35/hr30-35/hr30-40/hr35-45/hr45-65/hr
NIE-Trained Teacher~50/hr~50/hr50-70/hr50-80/hr65-120/hr