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Please enter it as detailed as possible because this information help us to arrange the most suitable tuition classes for you

Note: It's compulsory to fill up the information marked with '*'

Personal Information

Please make sure your email is active and valid because it will be your login ID.
eg. S20002099

For foreigner, please fill up Work Permit/ Student Pass Info
/hr    /hr    /hr
e.g. Jurong West St25

Qualification and Experience

    Quick Start: Are you a Part Time tutor/Full Time tutor?

   Part Time Tutor - I am currently waiting for my results/ pursuing diploma or degree/ Have another full time job/

   Full Time Tutor - I am a Full Time Home Tutor who has completed tertiary education

Please note that for university undergraduate, Highest Qualification Achieved should not be Bachelor’s Degree. It should be A-level, Diploma etc

  • Company Name:
Occupation No. of years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Full Time Tutor
Part-Time Tutor
Secondary School Teacher
Primary School Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
Tuition Center Teacher
Ex-Primary School Teacher
Ex-Secondary School Teacher

For inexperienced tutor, please key in 0

Your Qualification

GCE O Level Result

GCE A Level Result

Examination Subject Grade Examination Subject Grade
EnglishGeneral Paper
ChineseAO Chinese
Higher ChineseHigher Chinese
MalayMaths (H1)
Higher Malay Maths (H2)
Tamil Maths (H3)
Higher Tamil AO Maths
E Maths C Maths
Maths F Maths
A MathsPhysics
Accounting Chemistry
Physics Computing
Chemistry Economics
Biology Accounting
Phy/Chem History
Bio/Chem Geography
Geography Literature
Social Studies

Teaching Preference

Once 'not available' is selected, you will not receive any offer from us

  • Your IC, Contact, and will NOT be shown. Once the option 'show my profile' is selected, your profile will be shown as our registered tutor.

What subject you can teach? (Choose only the subject that you can teach)

What is your available tuition time?

Which area you can go for tuition?


Yes, Location:

Not more than 1500 characters

characters left

Chances to get student is higher if detailed description is provided.
You can describe your teaching method, teaching experience, background here.

Parents may view your self description before they decide to hire you. Please provide your self description without grammatical error.
No contact information is allowed

Eg: I have helped 15 students to get straight A's in GCE 'O' Level.
My student, XXX( Name), From XX (area), get straight A's after attending my tuition class.

Eg: I graduated with first class honour in Engineering.
I won National Physic Competition in 2000. I obtained straight A's in A-level.

Eg: Bringing your kids to next level

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           Instant Job Alert by Email:
You will receive an email whenever a suitable tuition assignment is available according to your preset preferences in terms of location, subjects and education level.
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