Tuition Class ID | C79556 |
Offer Date | 2016-07-02 15:47:20 |
Location | 93 Bedok North Avenue 4 460093 (Search for Map) |
Student Level | Primary 3 |
Subject | Maths, Science |
No. of Student | 1 |
No. of Class Weekly | 2 |
Duration of the Class | 1 (h) |
Preferred Tuition Day | Wednesday and Friday |
Preferred Time | 4.00pm |
Preferred Race | Any Race |
Preferred Gender | Female |
Parent's Budget | |
Remark | I like a female tutor. She needs to be adequate to teach maths and science. As my son has short attention span i plan to alternate subjects in 1hr; half hour each subject. |
URL | |
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