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Tuition Class ID C710350
Offer Date 2017-03-07 15:28:51
Location Punggol Drive 822642 (Search for Map)
Student Level P4 & P5
Subject English
No. of Student 1
No. of Class Weekly 1
Duration of the Class 1.5 (h)
Preferred Tuition Day Saturday
Preferred Time 9am-12pm
Preferred Race Any Race
Preferred Gender Any
Parent's Budget $25-35/hr
Remark I need a female tutor for my p4 & p5 son, my p4 son has not been doing well for his english since p3 and did badly for his recent ca assessment (20/100). The p5 boy is better (band 2 last year) but need guidance on his comprehension and composition. The tutor must be patient and willing to help them. We have engaged several tutors in the past (full time and ex-teachers), all gave up after teaching them.

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