Search Result

Ayla Tan
Punggol, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
University Undergraduate   
Secondary School Teacher   
Professional Degree
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
NUS 4 English Literature
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 6
Secondary School Teacher 6 Edgefield Secondary


  • English
  • Elementary Maths
  • Maths
  • Additional Maths
  • Literature
  • Literature/SS
  • Literature

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Buangkok
  • Hougang
  • Kovan
  • Punggol
  • Sengkang


"There is nothing you cannot achieve with hard work. "
As a student, I have gotten straight As for the subjects I'm teaching - Math and Literature. Have been teaching since I was a secondary school tutor. In secondary school, peers taught by me could get As even though they were previously failing. As a Mathematics tutor, I've a proven track record of students generally scoring As so far for all the Mathematics students I've taught even though they may have been failing or not doing well previously. As an English tutor, I've a proven track record of students scoring no less than B3 even though they may have been failing or not doing well previously. As a school teacher, I am an MOE teaching award holder. My math class students generally perform better than other students, with a class distinction rate of as high as 90% and almost 100% passes (only 1 failure all the years I've been teaching). My O level Literature students have a distinction rate of 35% and almost 100% passes (only 1 failure for all the years I've been teaching).
As a Math Teacher, I've too many students who scored As after attending my class to keep track of. Some examples: Louis, who was previously failing F9, scored A1 for Emaths and Amaths for GCE O Levels 2011 and a B3 for English after a year's tuition. Siewping, who was previously failing F9 for Maths, scored a B3 for GCE O Levels 2012 after half a year's tuition. As a Literature teacher, I've helped about 48 students obtain As in O level Literature.
I obtained straight As in my O Levels and As for English Literature and Mathematics in my A Levels. Graduated Bachelors with Honours. MOE teaching award holder.