Search Result
Mao Jia
Public Transport
JURONG WEST ST 61, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
NUS High School of Math and Sceince
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 1 | Home-based | Tuition Center Teacher | 1 | Little Professors |
- English
- Science
- Maths
- English
- Maths
- Additional Maths
- Science
- Biology
- Bio/Chem.
- History
- Biology
- Piano
- Violin
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Boon Lay
- Bukit Batok
- Bukit Gombak
- Buona Vista
- Chinese Garden
- Choa Chu Kang
- Clementi
- Commonwealth
- Lakeside
"As long as there's a will, there is a way."
I am a student who has just graduated from NUS High School of Math and Science, and is intending to pursue a degree in Pharmacy in NUS in August 2012. I have a keen interest in Biology and Chemistry, and intends to further my career in that field. I have taught O lvl Biology before in Little Professors tuition centre, and is currently teaching Secondary 2 English. I am a believer in "Practice makes Perfect" and strongly feels that continual practice and drilling would prepare any student for subjects grounded in fundamentals like the sciences. As for subjects like language, a strong passion and willingness to read is needed to develop strong language skills therefore I have been encouraging my students to read widely.
I have also been practicing music. I have learnt the piano for 10 years and have achieved a merit for my grade 8 piano. Similarly, I am ongoing with my violin studies, and has passed grade 3 with merit as well. I have also taught beginner violin at Vince Music and Art studios.
I have helped my student who initially failed O lvl biology to pass her exams.
My student in beginner violin was able to sustain her interest in the instrument to continue to pursue greater heights.
I graduated from NUS High school with honors in biology and chemistry.
I won a national chinese essay writing competition and published in newspapers twice.
I have passed JLPT lv 3 and French DELF A1