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Melissa Chew Li Ning
Public Transport
Bukit Panajang, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
University Undergraduate   
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in Maritime Transportation Management
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
SIM-RMIT 3 Business Management
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 4 Private tutor


  • English
  • Chinese
  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Maths
  • Elementary Maths
  • Phy/Chem.

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Bukit Batok
  • Bukit Gombak
  • Choa Chu Kang
  • Yew Tee
  • Bukit Timah


"To instill self-confidence into every kid"
I have been tutoring for 4 years and have immersed experience in handling primary school students especially upper primary students who will be facing PSLE. My teaching method usually focus on the student's weakness and to further strengthen the strength of the students. I would usually train students who are generally weaker in speaking to speak during lessons. I tend to encourage more so as to instill more self-confidence into these students.
I have helped more than 10 students achieve desirable results during the PSLE. These students used to only achieve border-line results.