Search Result
Mohamed Shafiq bin Roslan
Public Transport
Jurong West St 65, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
Polytechnic Student
Polytechnic Student
Primary/Secondary School/O Level
Jurongville Secondary School
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
Singapore Polytechnic | 3 | Diploma in Music and Audio Technology |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 1 |
- English
- Malay
- Maths
- Phonics
- English
- Science
- Maths
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Boon Lay
- Bukit Batok
- Buona Vista
- Chinese Garden
- Clementi
- Dover
- Lakeside
- Jurong
- Pioneer
"A cut above the rest"
As I am a student myself, I can understand why a student would be unwilling to learn if the subjects they are learning, do not appeal to them. It is important to have the right amount of fun when learning new things as it sticks in your brain longer than when doing it in a mundane, routined way. So in my class, I would balance fun and studies together to engage them to study even better.
I scored 9 and 14 points for my L1R4 and L1R5, respectively, for my O Levels.