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Low choon chye
Public Transport
Yishun ring rd, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
University Undergraduate
University Undergraduate
Higher Secondary/Pre-U/A Level
Jurong junior college
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
Ntu | 4 | Aerospace engineering with business minor |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 2 |
- Science
- Maths
- Elementary Maths
- Maths
- Additional Maths
- Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Phy/Chem.
- Social Studies
- Geography/ SS
- Maths H1
- Maths H2
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Economics
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Admiralty
- Ang Mo Kio
- Bishan
- Khatib
- Kranji
- Mandai
- Marsiling
- Sembawang
- Thomson - Lower
- Woodlands
- Yio Chu Kang
- Yishun
- Jurong
"Work smart, think smart."
I feel that inspiring student to work hard for their future is the most important part of studying. Able to know their goals in life and working towards it. I also teach students to work smart to score good grades. I taught a primary school kid before in doing well and I taught my peers in jc to obtain A for physics and maths in A levels
I obtained A for all my h2 subjects in GCE A levels