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Valerie Chang Jui Li
Public Transport
Bukit Batok , singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
University Undergraduate   
Nanyang Polytechnic
Mechatronics Engineering
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
National University of Singapore 3 Architecture
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 3


  • Chinese
  • Malay
  • Chinese
  • Malay
  • Maths
  • Chinese
  • Piano

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Bukit Batok


"Digging in the passion for learning and life! "
I love to find the curiosity and passion for learning in the core of a person. I have experienced in tutoring for at least two years and conduct piano classes in a music school for at least 4 years in Malaysia. My students range from 6 - 18 years old. Thus, I worked as a class teacher for a primary school in Malaysia two years ago. I taught Chinese Language, Malay Language, Arts, and maths from P1-P3. I also worked as a part time art teacher for a month before. My students commented me as a patient and passionate teacher. I preferred to teach primary 1-6 Chinese Language, primary 1-3 Maths, beginner piano lesson, or art class (crayon/ sketch/etc) I would only able to conduct one lesson per week as my schedule is quite tight as an architecture student. Timing can be arranged. See you!
From fail to B in Bahasa Melayu of my primary 3 student (Lian Chun Xi) Distinction in grade 3 piano exam ABRSM (Khor Chai Yi) 80% gets merit and 100% passing rate in piano exam
I am a Architecture student in National University of Singapore. I graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a 3.92/4 GPA and I obtained straight 11 A’s for my SPM (equivalent to O-level), I have a diploma in piano for London College or Music and obtained Grade 8 Certificate from both ABRSM Piano and Theory.