Search Result
Siti Nurulhuda
Public Transport
Buangkok Crescent, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
Secondary School Teacher
Secondary School Teacher
Master's Degree
Master in Education (Science)
PGDE, BSc Applied Science
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Secondary School Teacher | 12 | Beatty Secondary (2007-2010), Serangoon Garden Sec |
- Chemistry
- Lower secondary Maths
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Balestier
- Bendemeer
- Buangkok
- Hougang
- Kovan
- Potong Pasir
- Punggol
- Sengkang
- Serangoon
- Whampoa
"Knowledge is Power"
I have been teaching at secondary schools since 2007. I teach lower Sec Maths, upper Sec chemistry and upper Sec combined science (chemistry).
For one batch of my combined science chemistry students, 40% of them attained a distinction in their combined science subject for their O levels.
I obtained 4A1s and 4A2s in my O levels and 3As for my A levels.
I graduated with an Honours (2nd lower class) in my Bachelor of Applied Science degree at NUS. I took two Masters degree, one in 2010 (Master in Science Communication at NUS/ANU) and another in 2016 (Master of Education (Science) at NIE/NTU).