Search Result

Grace Teo Shiyi
Public Transport
choa chu kang, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
Polytechnic Student   
Primary/Secondary School/O Level
Regent secondary school
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
Ngee Ann Polytechnic 3 engineering with business management
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 1 home tuitioning


  • English
  • Maths
  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Boon Lay
  • Bukit Batok
  • Bukit Gombak
  • Buona Vista
  • Chinese Garden
  • Choa Chu Kang
  • Clementi
  • Dover
  • Lakeside
  • Tengah
  • Tuas
  • Yew Tee
  • Bukit Timah
  • Joo Koon
  • Pioneer


"every kid deserve their As"
i have a strong interest in being around kids, engaging them as well as teaching them. i’ve always felt joy in helping young kids with their work , it truly gives me a sense of accomplishment whenever they understand something they never did before:) teaching a class in cambodia for two weeks through a school project helped me realise how passionate i am in that scope, and i would love to do it all over again. i’ve been told i can be patient and bubbly as well!:) i would put in my all and also provide good study materials as well as notes! Being a student is not easy, and i know how frustrating it can get when it gets tough. Every student deserves constant motivation, because without it, they would not have the drive to continue. i used to be hateful towards studying, however i finally applied the right techniques and which thankfully got me back on track with great results. i did not think i could, but i did. i was able to motivate myself and got myself to even like studying. And with that, i am able to take out and give only the best techniques for your child instead of them wasting time on bad ones. starting early is the best start. as i did not graduate not long ago, i am able to keep up with the syllabus better and relate to your child in a whole different level. every child deserves to have great results and it IS possible, it would be amazing just to help them achieve their As like i did thankyou!
teaching 1 student
scored As in english business related modules scored A for elementary maths in Olevels