Search Result
Geraldine Lim
Public Transport
427159, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
University Undergraduate
University Undergraduate
Higher Secondary/Pre-U/A Level
Nanyang Junior College
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
Nanyang Technological University | 4 | History |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 3 | Private |
- English
- History
- Social Studies
- History/SS
- History
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Bedok
- Chai Chee
- Eunos
- Frankel
- Geylang
- Katong
- Kembangan
- Marina Parade
- Paya Lebar
- Simei
- Tanah Merah
"Always have a growth mindeset"
I've been teaching secondary school students in English and History for 3 years, and my O level students have shown tremendous improvements in their results - D7 to A1 in History in 6 lessons, and D7 to B4 for English in 2 months. My students are all foreigners and thus have had very limited basic knowledge of and little exposure to the English Language. Additionally, I've also taught in a primary school for 3 months recently and have undergone MOE training (40h). As such, I've handled students with severe dyslexia and also slow learning (as well as other learning difficulties). I will be joining MOE as an educator upon graduation.
O level student (History): D7 - A1
O level student (English): D7- B4, C6 - B3
A for H2 HIstory A levels
A2 for Combined Humanities (Hist/ss), A1 for History itself
A2 for English O levels