Search Result

Kong Ying Xuan
Public Transport
West, singapore

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
University Undergraduate   
Higher Secondary/Pre-U/A Level
River Valley High School
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics)
Grade 8 ABRSM
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
National University of Singapore 2 Environmental Studies (Environmental Geography)
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution


  • English
  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Maths
  • Elementary Maths
  • Maths
  • Additional Maths
  • Science
  • Chemistry
  • Maths H1
  • Maths H2
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • Piano

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Boon Lay
  • Buona Vista
  • Chinese Garden
  • Clementi
  • Dover
  • Lakeside
  • Jurong
  • Joo Koon
  • Pioneer


I have taught a few children (aged 4 to 11), a teenager (aged 14) and an adult (aged 35) one-to-one introductory courses to the piano at a music school in the Central area. The materials and lessons were all prepared by myself, hence I am confident in my ability to handle children. The parents of the students that I have taught have expressed that their child gained greater interest in music from my lessons. The students who had no prior musical knowledge also had a lot of fun learning about piano, and most of them are able to play simple (e.g. Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars, Mary had a Little Lamb) pieces by the end of 4 lessons. My teaching stint at the music school lasted about 4 months before I had to commit more time to school-related commitments. In addition, I have also tutored primary and secondary school students in Mathematics and Science subjects under Young Minds volunteer programme at Frontier Community Centre. These lessons were free and easy one-on-one lessons where I helped out with their school work. Lastly, I have also volunteered at the Thye Hua Kwan Seniors Activity Centre located in Boon Lay by teaching the elderly basic English and computer skills. The English lessons were conducted in a classroom setting while the computer lessons were individual lessons. These volunteer experiences lasted for 3 months and 2 years respectively.
I obtained As in my core subjects -- H2 Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and H1 Economics for A-levels.