Search Result
Ong Kien Ping
Public Transport
600112, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
University Undergraduate
University Undergraduate
Singapore Polytechnic
Applied Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Science
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
Nanyang Technological University | 2 | Materials Engineering |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 2 | Private tutor |
- Science
- Maths
- Elementary Maths
- Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Phy/Chem.
- Bio/Chem.
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Boon Lay
- Bukit Batok
- Bukit Gombak
- Buona Vista
- Chinese Garden
- Choa Chu Kang
- Clementi
- Commonwealth
- Dover
- Holland
- Lakeside
- Queenstown
- Redhill
- Tuas
- Bukit Timah
- Jurong
- Joo Koon
- Pioneer
"Studying is not about regurgitating facts. It's about understanding."
22 year old male undergraduate. Teaching style is very adaptable depending on the student as everyone has different effective learning methods. What may work for a certain student may not be effective for another. However, I like to teach in such a way that the student sees me as more of a mentor who is approachable than just another teacher whom they are afraid of asking any doubts or questions as they have. Also, along the way of teaching, I like to share some of my personal tips on how I study and revise for examinations as being a current student myself, I understand the struggles the students are going through.
Past students have shown consistent and gradual improvements in their grades.