Search Result
Sumaiyah Abdul Kader
Public Transport
Marsiling Rise, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
Post Graduate Diploma
Murdoch University
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) with Distinction
Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration; Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 4 | Murdoch University | Tuition Center Teacher | 1 | Champions Learning Hub |
- English
- Tamil
- Maths
- English
- Tamil
- Science
- Maths
- Higher Tamil
- English
- Elementary Maths
- Maths
- Literature
- Literature/SS
- Tamil
- Tamil B
- Literature
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Admiralty
- Kranji
- Marsiling
- Sembawang
- Woodlands
- Yishun
"Helping your children achieve dreams"
I am a law graduate, with a strong foundation in languages. I understand the importance of a good mentor and guide, one who will help children achieve more than just good grades.
I helped 5 students to get distinctions in their assignments at university through my peer tutoring.
I graduated with a Distinction in my Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree. I am among the top 10% of my university cohort. I have also concurrently graduated with a Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration, and also a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice.