Search Result

Lee Yerim
Public Transport

Education Background & Teaching Experience

Part-Time Tutor   
Polytechnic Student   
NUS High School of Math and Science
University/Polytechnic: Years of study Course/Specialization:
NUS High School of Math and Science 5
Teaching Experience Years of experience Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor 2


  • English
  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Maths

Travel Area

Travel Area

  • Boon Lay
  • Bugis
  • Bukit Batok
  • Bukit Gombak
  • Buona Vista
  • Chinese Garden
  • Choa Chu Kang
  • Clementi
  • Commonwealth
  • Dover
  • Holland
  • Lakeside
  • Little India
  • Newton
  • Queenstown
  • Redhill
  • Yew Tee
  • Jurong
  • Pioneer


"Exam-savvy and effective study methods"
I have taught for 2 years and have taught primary 6 students. I am also teaching in a primary school once a week as a volunteer project. I teach primary 1 students at the school and thus I am familiar with the content and materials used to teach students. I am able to get along with students well For lower primary students, I will ensure fundamental understanding and interest in the topic For upper primary students, exam savvy and effective study methods will be taught as it is my teaching philosophy that simply doing exam papers after exam papers are waste of time and effort Usually, prior to the lesson, I prefer to talk to the parents to understand and come to terms with the goals and aims for the student
I am currently in a NUS High Diploma Program with accelerated Math and Science modules. I achieve A+ for math, chemistry and physics, A- for biology and B+ for english.