Search Result
jinnelle siew wei lin
Public Transport
544227, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Full Time tutor
Tuition Centre Teacher
Tuition Centre Teacher
Bachelor's Degree
La Trobe University
Pharmaceutical Science
Diploma Plus In international Business
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Full Time Tutor | 2 | |
Part-Time Tutor | 4 |
- English
- Maths
- English
- Chinese
- Science
- Maths
- Elementary Maths
- Maths
- Additional Maths
- Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Phy/Chem.
- Bio/Chem.
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Buangkok
- Hougang
- Punggol
- Sengkang
" Study Hard and Study Smart "
I have 5 years of experience. Have given tuition to individuals and small groups of students and offer friendly, relaxed lessons individually, or in groups of up to three people, tailored exactly to what the pupil requires.
I have helped my students to get straight A's in GCE 'N' Level and some went straight to Polytechnic without the need of taking O level