Search Result
Kang Hwee Young
Public Transport
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Business Studies
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 4 |
- Maths
- Elementary Maths
- Maths
- Additional Maths
- Phy/Chem.
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Ang Mo Kio
- Bishan
- Braddell
- Buona Vista
- Clementi
- Dover
- Novena
- Potong Pasir
- Toa Payoh
"Teaching by guiding"
I have many years of tutoring experience and have taught over 10 private classes.
I have alot of exposure with weaker students and I have a few testimonials written by my previous students.
I successfully helped my students to improve from F to b and D to A for o levels.
Ming Xuan, 17
Mathematics: F to B
“Tutor Adrian has helped me a lot in the two years of tuition with him. My results used to be really bad and his tuition helped me to improve gradually I believe that the tuition has helped me grow stronger both academically and mentally. I do not give up easily now and I will do my best in whatever I do.”
Greenridge Secondary School
Mathematics: E to B
Science(Chemistry, Physics): D to A
“I was never able to pass my mathematics and science papers until I joined Adrian’s tuition classes. He can explain concepts faster and clearer than any teacher I know”
Greenridge Secondary School
Mathematics: A
Science(Chemistry, Physics): A
“I have been taught by Adrian Kang for a period of about 6 months during which I have made great improvements for the relevant subjects. He is patient, understanding and motivating. My doubts of several topics were often quickly cleared due to his comprehensive teaching methods.”
Naval Base Secondary School