Search Result
Fanny Mong Li Yu
Public Transport
Sin Ming Road, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
University Undergraduate
University Undergraduate
Nanyang Polytechnic
Food Science and Nutrition
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
Singapore's University of Social Science | 1 | Chinese Language and Literature with Translation |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Full Time Tutor | 4 | Private tutoring and Han Language Center |
Part-Time Tutor | 2 | Private tutoring |
- Chinese
- Chinese
- Higher Chinese
- Chinese
- Higher Chinese
- Chinese Literature
- Conversational Mandarin
- Cantonese
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Ang Mo Kio
- Bishan
- Braddell
- Farrer Park
- Kovan
- Newton
- Novena
- Orchard
- Potong Pasir
- Serangoon
- Somerset
- Tanglin
- Toa Payoh
"Igniting the sparks in Chinese Language and motivate willingness to learn"
Highest Qualification:
Graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic in May 2016. Taught in SmartLab Education Centre for 6 months and Hans Language center (Thomson branch) for 1 year after Polytechnic graduation. Currently studying Chinese language and Literature with Translation in Singapore’s university of Social Science.
School Attended: Aitong Primary, Bishanpark Secondary, Nanyang Polytechnic and currently studying in Singapore’s university of Social Sciences
Relevant Results: O-level Chinese A1, Higher Chinese A2
Tutoring Experience (in years): 5 years nearing 6
Brief description of your experience:
5 years nearing 6 of tutoring experience. Able to carry out adult conversational tutoring back in Han language centre. Can communicate well with kids and teenager at the age from K1 to secondary 4 and beyond. Kids love my teaching method as I will include story telling and Chinese videos to ignite their interest in Chinese. As a Chinese tutor, I do not force my students to do a lot of extra homework but I will guide them through their practices so as to clear their doubt. After a few months of tuition, most of my students start to develop confidence in doing Chinese papers and reading passages independently. Taught K1-P5, PSLE, Secondary 1-3 student and IB level 12 student. Tutees can communicate well with me and I succeed in igniting their interest for Chinese in them. They have learned how to show interest towards this subject as they will ask questions without the fear of being wrong. My current tutees had showed great improvement. 2 of them managed to improved from a failure to 72 marks and 80 marks respectively for SA2. The rest of my tutee scored an average score of 80 and above. One of them even receive an award of most improved subject in school. I am confident that they will make more remarkable improvements in the following months. Additionally my 3 PSLE students scored 2 As and 1B for their PSLE chinese result respectively *noting that the student who scored B have been failing chinese since P4*
I have helped 2 students in getting A and one student in getting B for their PSLE Chinese in year 2017. Noting that the student who scored B for PSLE have been failing Chinese since Primary 4
My student ranging from Lower Primary to Lower Secondary schools have improved tremendously.
Adele, Secondary 1, improved from a B4 to an A2
Erika, Secondary 1, improved from a C6 to a B4
Marcus, P6, improved from a 67 to a 89 marks.
Natasha, Primary 4 improved from a 60 to a 85 marks.
Kristin, Primary 3, improved from a fail to a 75 marks.
Charlotte, Primary 4, improved from a fail to a 67 marks.
Charmaine, Primary 5, improved from a 70 to a 77.5 marks.
Eugenia, Primary 4, improved from a 70 to a 80 marks.
Min Rui, Primary 3, improved from a fail to a 80 marks.
Jay, Primary 2, improved from fail to a 60 marks.
Elliot, Primary 1, improved from a fail to a 93 marks.
One of my Primary 2 student, ying yi, from St Nicholas even receive an award of Most Improved Subject in her Chinese Language.
I obtained A2 for O-levels Higher Chinese and A1 for O-level Chinese. Addtionally, I have participated in the National Chinese Composition Writing and won second place and consolation prize respectively in year 2009 and 2010. In Nanyang Polytechnic, I have also received Director's List (top 5 percent in the whole course) for my Final Year Project.