Search Result
Pearly Lim
Public Transport
Boon Lay Place, singapore
Education Background & Teaching Experience
Part-Time Tutor
Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma
Temasek Polytechnic
Advance Diploma in Accounting & Finance
Diploma in Legal Studies
University/Polytechnic: | Years of study | Course/Specialization: |
0 |
Teaching Experience | Years of experience | Name of school, tuition centre, or institution |
Part-Time Tutor | 5 | home tuition |
- English
- Chinese
- Maths
- English
- Chinese
- Maths
- English
Travel Area
Travel Area
- Boon Lay
- Buona Vista
- Chinese Garden
- Clementi
- Dover
- Lakeside
- Tuas
- Joo Koon
- Pioneer
"To help the students achieve good results"
I am working full time at a law firm, but I teach part-time tuition because teaching has always been a passion of mine.
I am generally friendly with my students and motivate them every now and then. I am very flexible with teaching methods as long as it helps the student to score.
I once taught a girl who came from China from Primary One to Primary Six. Her English was real bad as she can't even do assignments meant for Primary One. But under my guidance and efforts, she passed her English papers within half a year of my teaching and when she was in Primary Six, she scored an A for her English. And now she is in a very good Secondary School.